Old DoW engine is not truly compatible with Windows 7. Note about known software problem under Windows 7: Known problem with campaign playing. Installation instructions can be found in readme files (file setup(eng).txt in Mod’s folder in archive file) and/or here on ModDB local forum. You can see new quality of game in campaign (especially in strongholds with new scar-code scripts). Titanium Wars stuff are used in many other mods now. Many units and buildings were reworked to more quality variants (behaviour especially). – A lot of work was made in this Mod framework on 3D-level and in OE-code for Relic and DoW Community models. – This Mod changed mind of DoW Community about Titans in game (balance issue). – This Mod was the first DoW mod when you can see Titans and Titan-like units in all game types (campaign, skirmish and multiplayer). This Mod was made with Relic standard of quality (and even higher for some parts and aspects). – Main goal of this Mod: all Games Workshop units in DoW game. – And finally Titans and Titan-like units! – Fully functional single campain, skirmish, and multiplayer.

– RPG elements from CutterShane’s Heroes System. – New Heroes and fully functional Heroes wargear. Good luck in your epic battles in Warhammer 40000 Universe!!! So much work was done and so much work awaits in future development! Main motto of this Mod: “All Warhammer 40000 units must be in DoW!” See Mod’s readme-files and visit the official forum of the Titanium Wars Mod on Warforge for more information. This Mod is a kind of a superstructure over original masterpiece from Relic and it isn’t a radical revision of all gameplay ideas of DoW.

If you want to see all Warhammer 40000 units in one mod then this is your Mod. If you dream about epic Warhammer 40000 battles then this is your Mod. In this Mod you’ll see very interesting dynamic extended gameplay with fully functional single campain, skirmish, and multiplayer.

If you was tired by “revolutionary revision of gameplay” mods you are welcome here. This is almost classic gameplay DoW Mod but with almost all GW units.